Thursday, November 02, 2006


According to Netcraft, the Intarw3b now contains:

40,000,000 porno sites

30,000,000 virtual poker sites

10,000,000 lonely singles match-up sites

6,000,000 web pages for real-estate agents, used car dealers, hair salons, and tarot readers

5,000,000 adolescents lying about their age, attractiveness, or gender on MySpace

4,000,000 blogs and/or livejournals

4,000,000 dormant vanity homepages that haven't been updated in six years

999,995 real corporate websites and news media pages




The Onion

and some research place in Switzerland.


  1. So that's where all that Gruyere and Raclette come from!

  2. But how many tubes?


  3. Fermilab is there.

    It's a fun place to work. :-)

  4. We coulda had an even better version of CERN here in the U.S., but Congress decided it wasn't all that important.

    Why care about being the best in scientific research? Better to worry about social problems, anyway...


  5. IMO the SSC was being built in the wrong place. Had it been built by an existing national lab it would probably be running right now.

    Anyways - keep an eye on the ILC.

  6. Art, my original semester paper for Physics at UT was on "Friction Issues With Liquid Helium In The SuperConducting SuperCollider." Given that I frankly didn't have enough background to understand the meager data availible in that particular niche in cryogenic hydrodynamics, I changed it to "The SSC: In Search Of The Higgs Bosun Particle."

    Those were heady times, back in '91-- we had a 54 mile tunnel dug under Waxahatchie, TX, and promises of enormous discoveries. Then Congress found out that the construction was going to go over by a coupla billion dollars, and they did an amazing(ly stoopid) thing: they allocated an additional half-billion to shut it down and withdraw!!!

    The Hole was sold off as storage space (no kidding!), and we now have to look to the Euros for the best info on subatomic particles. Our current technology for splitting atomic particles is about 1980-ish, but with better computers evaluating the results.



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