Monday, November 06, 2006

Sorry 'bout that...

Spent my morning revamping my old post on the Webley auto over at the other blog and, whoa! Look at the time! No bloggy for you today.

I do have a couple of planned rants, though:

1) The idiocy of bull-headed brand loyalty (and its equally idiotic cousin, brand hatred) that runs rampant in the intarw3b gun world.

2) At the risk of sounding like some kind of harpy, why I have finally been convinced that intarw3b boards are overrun by guys who are so sexist that they don't even realize it, any more than a fish realizes it's wet.

Anyhow, I'll try and remember to pour the hate-orade when I get home tonight. :)


  1. "1) The idiocy of bull-headed brand loyalty (and its equally idiotic cousin, brand hatred) that runs rampant in the intarw3b gun world."

    What are you trying to say, that guns are merely tools and should be treated as such? Pffffft. Everybody knows you should buy guns based on the politics of the company and whether or not your friends will be jealous of its looks when you pull it out of the safe. I swear too many guys treat guns like too many women treat shoes...

    "2) At the risk of sounding like some kind of harpy, why I have finally been convinced that intarw3b boards are overrun by guys who are so sexist that they don't even realize it, any more than a fish realizes it's wet."

    I say force them to marry the shrew women whom try to act like sexist men.

  2. Hint: It's not just the on the "intarw3b boards."

    (Ducks and hides.)

  3. We prefer the term "Misogynist Lecher", thanks.

  4. But ... what's wrong with being in favor of sex?

  5. [homer simpson]


    [/homer simpson]

  6. Brand loyalty. Must be unique to the world of guns. You'd never find anything like that among Nascar fans...


  7. 2) At the risk of sounding like some kind of harpy, why I have finally been convinced that intarw3b boards are overrun by guys who are so sexist that they don't even realize it, any more than a fish realizes it's wet.

    Promises, promises...

  8. Hold your water.

    One rant/day. ;)


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