Friday, November 24, 2006

You never know who's reading...

Throw a bottle of electrons into the digital sea, and who knows upon what strange silicon beaches it might wash ashore.


  1. "Thank goodness I live in the UK."

    I'm glad he lives there too. One less moonbat over here.

  2. Ah, yes, the "Army Rumor Control Service", or whatever it stands for.
    Elsewhere on that board--mostly Brits, but they do welcome Commonwealth troops, and even us "Septics" (Cockney rhyming slang, "Septic tanks" for "Yanks", then drop the rhyming part.)
    In fact, there's a forum for us, and it is common there to see Brit lifers opine that we have it right, and the entire continent has it wrong, when it comes to self-defense and capital punishment.
    FWIW. And it's not like we have none here who feel the same way...

  3. Russian forums also noted your blog, but most folks there are plain envious of you.

  4. That bloke is probably just jealous that you have a real rifle vs. his L85 jam-o-matic.

  5. I'm jealous too, my M1 Crabine can't compensate. ;-) Happy Turkeyday-after.

  6. I shall chuckle quietly, as my sibling (who took The Shilling as a lifer pretty much from Prep School) is a regular on that board. Six degrees of separation, eh?

    I shall also chuckle nastily because we don't see eye to eye on lots of things - such as the private citizen's right and responsibility of self-determination. It does make I larf that someone in the forces calls me a gun nut...

  7. Outstandings response to California_Tanker about keeping loaded 30 round magazines next to his rifle - I asssume you unload your magazines occasionally to relax the spring?

    My response would've been - Yeah, every Friday at the range.




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