Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Blog Stuff: Cat blogging.

Jeff at Alphecca reminds me why I call that little hole by the closet baseboards the "Self-Propelled Cat Toy Dispenser".


  1. My cats are all of the impression that food comes in bags and cans, and so must it always be. Nonetheless, at least two of them have learned to catch mice, for sufficiently small values of 'catch'. Being raised from kittens, none really learned the 'killing blow' from their moms, so, they wander around the house with a mouse in their mouths, making the most bizaare noises, then drop the mice at my feet and wonder why I don't kill them. I always praise them when they do this, of course, as they are SUPPOSED to be predators and hunters, and it's good to see them take on prey slightly brighter than a bottlecap or my ATM card. (Which they like to chase under the fridge.)

  2. My DOG, Boo, is a pretty good mouser, and she's not even a rat terrier, or a terrier of any Sort. She's Aussie Shep crossed w/ Weimar. Of course the Dearlt Beloved calls her a Coyote when he want to be perverse, but you know him!
    But at least she does something about the occasional mouse, unlike his WORTHLESS dog!

  3. My cats bring in stuff in halvesies...
    half a cotton rat, half a baby duck, half a rabbit, half a snake...

    Maybe that's what they consider 'splitting up the household expenses'.



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