Friday, December 01, 2006

Politics: Not with a bang, but a whimper...

Twelve years ago, the GOP took control of congress for the first time in decades, riding into Washington on a cresting wave of promises to shrink government, slash taxes, get federal spending under control, and end bureaucratic intrusiveness into American lives.

Now, a lame duck Republican house is meeting to get their last bits of legislation passed before the Democrats take back the gavel. What's on the emergency agenda for the freshly pink-slipped Repubs? A last-minute tax cut? Eliminating some useless federal agency? Returning control of some policy or another to the several states or the People? Reforming the IRS? Heading off the coming Social Security debacle?


Passing a law on when, exactly, the government of the United States of America decrees that fetuses feel pain.

I'd like to think that these assclowns would be returning to their home districts contemplating the reasons why they're suddenly unemployed, but here's solid proof that they haven't a damn clue.


  1. Is it possible that they just don't care?

  2. B-b-b-but ... think of the FETUSES!

    (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

  3. I reckon they do.

  4. I firmly believe the Republicans thought they could get away with lax border security, Bush's pick of Harriet Myers for the Supreme Court, etc., and have the conservatives vote them back in again.

    They tried a ham-handed attempt to win over everyone with a Constitutional marriage amendment, which had zero chance of passage and zero common sense behind it. I do believe the electorate saw through it.

    I think this is a good message to send in a lot of what we elected you for, or get out.

    It's also bad, because we've got a nice, gun-hating, anti-capitalist party in the majority now.

    My kingdom for a viable conservative third party.....


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