Sunday, December 31, 2006

That's gotta suck...

So there you are, the Islamic jihad in Somalia; you're the guys who made Mogadishu into The City Too Dangerous For The UN, the guys who made the President of the world's last superpower blink, the guys...

...who have just had your asses handed to you in twelve days by... wait for it...

The Ethiopian Army.

May as well just throw yourselves on your own swords now, guys, because they'll never show your faces on Al Jazeera without a canned laughter track again.


  1. Just when I thought Saddam was the feel-good story of the day!

  2. Now, wouldn't it be nice if we drew a few lessons from our friends, the Ethiopians?

    1) To beat these bastards you have to kill them with no quarter given.

    2) You have to go about your business with no regard for any niceties (UN opinion, European vapors, the Arab "street", PC sensibilities)

    3) Keep the media out until you're finished. You can't with them over so better to go in, kill the enemy, win the war and make the obligatory "Gee, I'm sorry" statements after the fact.

  3. Man, Clinton was even lamer than I thought...

  4. We keep treating this stuff like a police action. I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts that the ethiopians are running a "human wave" and simply shooting anyone with a gun. It's war, dammit! It's not supposed to be "pretty" or "fair. War is ugly, unfair, and horrible... and that's the whole reason for it.

  5. So Somalia has been without a “formal” central government for quite some time, with the history of the conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia, what exactly took them so long to move in? Seeing as Somalia has those undeveloped oil reserves and some fertile farm land?

    Or in other words, what nation is suddenly supporting the Ethiopian Army now?

  6. Well, now. This is quite the coincidence since we have just spent half of 2006 training said Ethiopian Army. I wonder what ever gave them the idea to invade Somalia? *scratches head*


  7. Two things the Ethiopians did right:

    One: The attacked, and have kept attacking. They intend to defeat and eradicate these idiots, no matter what "public opinion" says.

    Two: They understand the difference between "being liked" and "respect". I tend to belive there are a lot of countries that may not "like" Ethiopia right now, but I guarentee that those countries now "respect" Ethiopia. In the international arena, "respect" is far more important than "being liked".

  8. 3yellowdogs, I couldn't have said it better myself...

  9. The third thing the Ethiopians are doing right, their use of armor. The "technicals" the Islamists use are no match for an armored personnel carry, let alone a main battle tank.


  10. Yeah I that is what I said just about, Me I thought Sally Struthers was still in country pan handling for food for these folks.

  11. You know, the Ethiopian Army almost kicked out Mussolini's goons at the dawn of the age of Fascists. They lacked air power. But put up a really good fight.

    The modern ones have faced starvation, communism, and bad karma. A few Jihad-nits couldn't be so tough.

    And that President WAS Bill "I didn't have sexual intercourse with that woman, Miss Lewinski" Clinton. Had it been Reagan, Ethiopia might have been enjoying its new seaside riviera.

    Perhaps Ethiopian troops could visit Iraq, Afganistan, or Iran ?

  12. Somewhere, Haile Sellassie is smiling.


  13. ...Looks like the Islamic Fanatics have abandoned their last stronghold and are heading for the Kenyan border...but Kenya is something like 80% Christian...hmmm...sounds like "between a rock and a hard place" applies here.

  14. 3yellowdogs said:

    "...Keep the media out..."

    Was there not "media" in WWII?

    Which if I remember correctly, we won. Nonetheless I kinda get the point.

  15. One thing to understand is that Ethiopia isn't the only player here. The Somali conflict has become part of the pissing match between Ethiopia and Eritrea. The Eritreans have been supporting the Islamic Courts movement not out of any particular Islamist fellow feeling, but out of good old fashioned mischief-making by causing the Ethiopians problems in the troublesome Somalia/Ogaden areas. Eritrean "volunteers" have been reported fighting alongside the Courts regulars.

    The rapid defeat of the IC fighters isn't surprising. IC was never a particularly strong military force in Somalia. They were just the most cohesive and motivated of the many militias and assholes-with-a-gun in the region. Their modus operandi was to swoop in, chase out any forces loyal to the Transitional Government, and show the local people who had power. Locals pledged allegiance and an IC loyal "court" was set up to administer. It was power through intimidation with a poorly trained combat force spread very thin over a wide territory.

  16. "Was there not "media" in WWII?

    Which if I remember correctly, we won. Nonetheless I kinda get the point. "

    Media, yes, but with a decidedly pre-Watergate sensibility. They also lacked the technology for instant communications and the ability to show the folks at home what happened on Utah beach, the Ardennes forest, Dresden, etc., as it was happening.

  17. Of course there was media in World War II...

    ... but, first, they had no ability to instantly transmit information; second, the enemy didn't have the same ability to access information from the other side on a large scale; and third, everything the media printed had to go through censors.

  18. "Ethiopian MiG fighter jets were also buzzing Kismayo, an AP reporter said."
    That says the deal, right there. Somalia's been anarchic for so long, they couldn't even SPELL "MiG," more less get one flying, maintain it, arm it, and put together a battle campaign involving one.

    If it doesn't fit on the back of a technical, the Somalians don't have the organization to run it.

  19. Jeez, even the Italians beat the Ethiopians.

  20. Yeah, the Itailans beat the Ethiopians, but it was 1937. The Italians had air support and mechanized armor, and the Ethiopians had primitive infantry and no arty to speak of.

    The Ethiopians ran them out in 1941 when Italy began the Great Capitulation in the European theater, but I most assuredly see your point :D


  21. Ethiopia did beat the Italians before, around 1896. Italy wanted to make Ethiopia a colony, but failed. This may have been why they invaded a second time (to save face).

  22. Adowa is the name of the battle you're looking for.

  23. Hello. I used some of your information in my article, so I wanted to give you kudos. You may find it here: Islamic threats in Somalia.

    You have a great following of great thinkers. I am only a civillian, but I also have a milblog over at DoD Daily News. I really enjoy trying to do whatever I can to help get our message out.

    Do I think we should get rid of the press until the war is over? Maybe as long as each excursion is taking place. Let's face it, there are a bunch of cowards. Maybe if we could hire Michael Yon, Bill Roggio, Matt from Blackfive, etc. (I don't know if Matt could go, but maybe Mudville Gazette and his wife?)

    One thing I do not understand. Since when is it okay to put our national secrets out in public without someone get their own heads chopped off? I'm sick to death of this, and I certainly wish that Bush was stopped being such know.

    Thank you for all you have done in the cause of freedom, and God bless you. :)

  24. Ethiopia will someday win a war against France.

  25. If I remember right, didn't the Italians in WWII have to resort to chemical weapons to defeat the Ethiopians? Many of whom were fighting with sword & shield since they didn't have enough guns?

    From what I've read, not a people you'd really want to piss off without REALLY good reason. As they're demonstrating.

  26. SomaliKing says,,,,,,,,you better keep your words low and quiet because you may have to eat your words bacl later :-) ,,,,,,,,,
    Right there i can see ethiopians and their sympathisers cheering :-). Well for those of you who do not know much about history just go back to the Geo-polical tentions and history between Somalia and Ethiopia. Let me give you few facts while you are at it. a) About 500 years ago Somali arms led by 'Ahmed Gurey' had your asses kicked until Portugal decided to come to your rescue. b)Then what happened in 1977 the guys who called them selves African lions with a population of more than 55 million with the support of the west and the communists had again been humiliated by Somalis with a population of just 6 million by means of a small, tough, brave and well trained arms. If Russian and Cuban armies did not come to your rescue physically you would have been licking my ass now, defeated and your asses kicked. so it is not surprising today that you can laugh and cheer as Somalia is internally destroyed and its unity shattered. It is not also surprising that you still have a big shoulder behind you incase Somali unity suddenly comes up. Enjoy while you can in Mogadishu's streets but please beg other African countries to take over or your coffin orders become out of stock. The issue is not Islamic courts and Ethiopia,, the ICU was just a group who had their own agendas with no proper policies. My last word to you hungry Ethiopians is '' You better keep your words low and quiet because you may have to eat your words bacl later :-)

    Somali lion


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