Thursday, December 28, 2006


I hope he's just here for the jokes.


  1. it's friendly. a regular at my site has the same.


  2. THe "Executive Office of Assest Forfiture" sounds like something to do with taxes. Unless you owe the feds money, I wouldn't worry unless they seem to come from the DEA or BATFE. By the way you should install you Winblows updates.

  3. I expect he is reviewing comments to see if there are unregistered gun owners.

    After all, how many people are murdered every day with curios and relics.

    Not very many? Well, if even one child is saved...

  4. No biggy, Tam. Were your blog up and running even a couple years ago, I can personally guarantee your ISP logger would've seen some visits from a certain 3-letter agency in D.C.

    (Heck, we all browse our favorite websites during lunch, etc.) ;)

  5. When we had the coffeehouse, about half the hits were from .mil and .gov domains. Of course, since Dad was an old Army spook, I figured it was he and his buddies getting the word out for us.

    It's probably .treas and some clerk in the bankruptcy court who is bored and surfing.


  6. Well imagine how I freaked when I found a reader from the DOJ!

  7. Howdy.

    Found your site through the blog of a buddy of mine.. where have you been all my life?.. (chuckle)..Looking forward to adding my humble commentary to this august and Illustrious company...

    Rev. Turk

  8. There's a good chance that was me. :)


  9. For the record, if the .gov thinks I have any assets worth forfeiting, we're screwed.

    I doubt my net worth would get us a nice wrench at DoD prices.

  10. Well, if it was me, you definitely have nothing to fear. I'm just an IT geek (contractor).

    Lawdog and Countertop have also seen traffic from that subnet. I visit their sites on a regular basis as well.

    Nothing to see here, move along... ;)

    mtnbkr at tfl/thr/aps


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