Friday, January 05, 2007

Blog Stuff: Bwahahaa!

Oh, gawd, y'all aren't going to believe this one without a picture to prove it:

Note the search terms: "porch verses mercedes".

Is he looking for poetry written about a girl named Mercedes by someone sitting on a porch? Is he curious about which is a better place to sit and drink a beer: A treated pine deck or a 560SEL? What the hell is he searching for? And who let him near a computer?


  1. Porche vs Mercedes

  2. Porsche versus Mercedes, actually.

  3. The mechanic who used to wrench on my 320i had this sign on his wall:

    "Porsche: $30/hr"

    "Por-scha: $60/hr"

    And judging from my grandmother's trials and tribulations with a 1985 380SL, I'd say the porch would win.

  4. I blame the Dems.

    And yes, the 380SL was a pita!

  5. Porsche, I'd say.

    If I want to drive in a Mercedes, I'll call a taxi. ;-)

  6. Probably looking for the joke about the Hobo who asks a lady for day work so he can eat and have some walking around money. They agree that he will do some yard work and paint the porch. When he's finished, the lady pays him and he says: By the way, that's not a porch, it's a Mercedes.

  7. ISP = PacBell?

    My guess is that it was a Kalifornicator looking to live vicariously in the Free States. :)

  8. Jim, that is a fine, fine joke. Thanks.

  9. Did anybody notice the visit length was zero? How can you do that?


  10. You spend too much time looking at your site report... ;-D

  11. I'll take Por-scha over Jag-you-are any day.


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