Thursday, January 25, 2007

Blog Stuff: Oddly haunting...

Remember the meme where I just revealed five little-known factoids about myself? Here's factoid number six:

I can get choked up and weepy over the oddest things. A long-distance phone service commercial. The trailer for the goofy movie Pearl Harbor. Noah Kalina's Everyday.

In the vein of the latter comes one of the more interesting and moving artifacts I've seen from the Age of the Intarw3bz: clicky.

Poetry? Yes. And of a kind impossible until now. Like Marko said: "Humanity. What a strange and interesting bunch we are."


  1. Well, Clicky gave me no link; all I got was this. What's that all about? Well, now YouTube is putting up a message saying that they've got scheduled maintenance.

  2. 00:16 So young. Innovative.
    04:50 So tired. Rushed. Worried.

    Six years.

    Tamara, why do I want to cry?

  3. Alright, enough with the same secret little known facts about me that we share! I get weepy at surprising little things too. But usually happy weepy.

    You descrie Noah Kalina perfectly.

    And, you know about postsecret, right?

  4. Tamara, have you been visiting Georgia University?


  5. Clicky gives me only a picture of a woman.

  6. She should have a "Play" button on her nose. Poke it and see. :)

  7. We're all huge in our own little world, so it's amazing how insignificant we become in that context.

  8. "She should have a "Play" button on her nose. Poke it and see. :)"

    I poked the button and nothing happens. She just sits there and stares at me.

    I might cry now, as I'm having flashbacks to high school.

  9. If you're not getting to it, try this: clicky

    Tam, you're right--it's both interesting and moving. Maybe it's the lonesome violin in the background, but I think the editor's clip choices would still set a somber, yet strangely uplifting mood.

  10. You know, you're ruining your online image with all this mushy stuff. I'm buying you a subscription to this for your birthday.

  11. I thought something was weird there... try this link instead.

  12. That was a great video.......FOR ME TO POOP ON! ;-}

  13. Choked up and weepy over the oddest things, a bent for creative poetry, and an appreciation for diverse music despite a tin ear .... Tam, you really should try your hand at crafting lyrics. Might suprise yourself!

  14. I'm with you on #6 there... Kind of a nuisance some times...

  15. You know, I'm with you. It takes a lot to make me cry - I'm a fabulous bottler - but sometimes when I least expect it, something seemingly small can tip me over the edge. A basket of puppies, or the sad and droopy cloud bubbles in an anti-depressant commercial. Ok, that was when I got medicated, but still. I really hate when something comes along and takes away my serrated edge - bad for my image, soft side and all that. I'd hate for anyone to get the idea that I wouldn't perforate them with a church key if necessary. Hee.

    That Everyday group of shots is lovely - he has soulful, byzantine eyes. Great music in that one and in Mick B's You Tubers. That music in the MBYT was in several movies, including the heartbreaking Hillary & Jackie. I know why you cried at MBYT, though - that passage with the drowsy babies and little kitten was achingly beautiful. Sweet.


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