Friday, January 12, 2007

Smith & Tesler lied...

...Johnson died.

You know, if this is true...

If this is true... If I was in those two officers' shoes, sworn to uphold the law and protect the public, and as a result of my lies an innocent old woman lay dead by my hand, I believe I'd have no option but to take my department-issued Glock with me into the bathroom and Do The Right Thing.

There are no words for my contempt right now.

(Via Ninth Stage.)


  1. Classic example of how people fighting monsters need to be careful, lest they become monsters; that and power corrupts.

    What I do not understand is why lie in the first place? Don't they have real criminals and real drug locations they can raid as opposed to places that "may" be suspect? So so sad. . .

  2. If you were you you wouldn't have done what they're accused of doing in the first place, of course.

    Michael: I think the real lesson is not so much that power corrupts, but that power attracts the corrupt or corruptible.

    I think it's a lot more common for petty tyrants to want to become cops for the power, than for non-tyrants to be corrupted by the power of the badge.

  3. Beneath contempt is right. Problem is, men like this don't have the guts or honor to do the right thing. There will be a trial, an even greater media circus, and a protracted appeals process. And somewhere along the way, defense lawyers will attempt to obscure the fact that several men gunned down one of the very people they swore to protect and serve, and then lied to cover it up. I suppose repeated raping in prison will have to serve as penance for the dishonor they have brought to their profession.

  4. If it was one of my relatives that these creatures shot, they had better damned well hope they get into prison.

  5. This comes to no surprise to me. Living here in Metro Atlanta I have known for a long time about APD. It just as bad as New Orleans PD is. That is why I avoid it at all cost if possible.

  6. The WOD is a war on civil rights.After thirty years we have financed the narco -terrorists, militarized our police, used it as an excuse to confiscate property with out trial, wage war on the second amendment, corrupt our officials and on and on and on. AND STILL NO PROGRESS!!
    Drugs are as freely available as they ever were.
    The greatest economic mind of the 20 centurt, Milton Freedman, said"the only beneficiarys of the war on drugs are the cops and the drug lords. Everybody else is harmed." Or words to that effect.

  7. I was reading Popluar mechanics and noticed that they just happen to have an article on this

    Good to see it being looked at as a problem to be studied and solved rather then a wrinkle to iron.

  8. When was the last time beer distributors settled a market share dispute with submachine guns?


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