Monday, January 29, 2007

To whoever was trying to call me at 7:30 AM:

It better have involved an incoming asteroid or a dead body or something...


  1. No damn body better wake me up just to tell me a big rock is about to kill us all.

  2. My wife's business line in our home rang at 6am today -- sent to voicemail.

  3. Awww heck, Tam!

    I just wanted to know if you had Prince Albert in a can. ;)

  4. Should we put paper bags on our heads, or lay down?

  5. You guys act like 7:30 is early. I wish I could sleep until 7:30 every day.


  6. Yeah, my standard line for late-night/early-morning calls is that it better involve a jail, a hospital, or a morgue.

    (For that matter, if it's a morgue, that can probably wait until a decent hour, can't it? They're not going anywhere.)

  7. But, shouldn't you be reminded to check if your refrigerator's running?

  8. Friends on the East Coast sometimes forget that Colorado is two hours "earlier". So the phone rings the other day at 6:45 am here with a "Happy Birthday!" call. Worse, we used to have a fax machine, and some companies and individuals set their machines to send in the middle of the night - or very early am. Nothing like a phone call at 2 or 3 am. By the way Tam, you're how old now? (Snerkle, snerkle, laugh! - Which is, of course, the sound of Dr. Pepper coming out of your nose.) OldeForce

  9. Anonymous--

    The way you get to be an old person is not to mess with old people when you're young.

    And if it doesn't involve Venus falling into the Sun, it can wait until After Coffee.

  10. Hell, I am already at work or on my second cup of coffee by 0730hrs. By, 1100hrs I'm halve way through my day. My wife gets up even earlier than I. Around 0300hrs her day is over at 1400hrs though which must be nice, think of all the range time, at least two hours before the heavy traffic starts up.

  11. My work day starts at 0700. My dream job would be any classic 9-5.

    I have a friend who used to occasionally suffer from insomnia. He would call me in the middle of the night to talk, figuring that if he couldn't sleep why should I. He used to tell people I call him at 2 AM just so he could hear me answer the phone with "This had damned well better be good."

  12. "Hell, I am already at work or on my second cup of coffee by 0730hrs. By, 1100hrs I'm halve way through my day."

    "You guys act like 7:30 is early. I wish I could sleep until 7:30 every day."

    "My work day starts at 0700. My dream job would be any classic 9-5."


    And where are y'all at 2130hrs? I'll trade my 1030-2130 for an 0700-1500 any day of the week.

  13. Try 0630-1515 for two weeks, then 1800-0245 for 2 weeks...and rotating every two weeks.

  14. "And where are y'all at 2130hrs? I'll trade my 1030-2130 for an 0700-1500 any day of the week."
    Oh, I don't even wanna hear it, Tam. You don't even know...!!!


  15. Back when I had the late shift working in a bar, I was rousted at a similar hour by a timid but persistent knock on my door. Folk, when I’ve only had 4 hours of sleep and you knock on my door at 7:30 on a weekend, you’d better either have a search warrant or one of them big cardboard checks.

    The two elderly ladies at the door had neither. They showed perseverance when looking at my stout hairy chest (::cough:: belly ::cough::), oil-stained athletic shorts and Gunsite GSP and bulled on through, “Young man, we’re here to talk to you about your relationship with God.”

    Blinking through bleary eyes, and in the most gentle voice I could manage at that hour I replied, “Ma’am, I was just speaking with Him, and He didn’t mention that you’d be coming by.” They froze as if hit by lightning and simply stared at some fixed spot about halfway between us, so after a polite interval I slowly closed the door on their stunned expressions.

    I don’t think I ever got another visitor from that particular congregation. Maybe they marked my curb like the depression era hobos were reported to do.


  16. Anyone calling me at 0730 will find me still at work. Um, reading this blog.


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