Wednesday, February 07, 2007

All stove up.

Yup, I definitely cracked some ribs on Sunday. I've broken one before (in almost the exact same location) when my left elbow hit my ribcage during a 60mph dismount on I-285, so I know what a broken rib feels like. This isn't quite as sharp, but there's still a fairly sharp pain associated with taking deep breaths, coughing, stretching.

No, I haven't had it X-rayed. Like I said, this isn't my first busted rib rodeo; I'm not forking over the co-payment to hear the doc say "Yup, you've got a broken rib. Take some aspirin. Have a nice day."


  1. Here's your prescription for that ma'am. Take one 16 oz. medium rare t-bone and two frosty IPAs nightly for the next two weeks and stay away from that fence until the pain subsides.

  2. Yep. Been there, done that. Good luck.

  3. I bruised my ribs once after bouncing off the top of a Coke machine in Germany.

    Very painful, but like you said, not much they can do about it. Maybe some decent pain pills....

  4. Now will you believe what yer Mama told you? Smoking can be bad for yer health...

    Worst thing about a busted rib is that sex is really painful... at least, I think I remember how painful it is: it's been a while since I errrr busted a rib.

  5. I would suggest drinking expensive booze while fondling expensive firearms.

  6. Ouch! Hope you feel better soon... trite, but sympathy's about all there is to be done...

  7. Arnica ointment will help with the bruising: massage it gingerly around the affected area. It helps speed circulation & that clears uo the bruises.

    Make sure you're alone in the building when you do it. You'll scream like a banshee with a toothache!

    Do get it x-rayed. Bone chips have a nasty habit of migrating to other parts, like the heart or noggin, & causing thromoses there.

    The Vicodin will be worth the co-pay, though.

    Get better soon.

  8. Was this a bike-related boo-boo? My friend Lisa and her son both got badly bruised in separate bike wrecks lately (her beau is riding on eggshells, because these things happen in threes, right?). Get well soon!

  9. Did it on a motocross track where I had no business, when a pint-sized speedster went underneath me and wiped my front tire out - damn kids - I petarded on my own handlebar and punched three. The Doc didn't xray it or wrap it or anything - he just admired the use of my kidney-belt and said to loosen it now and then so I doen't get pneumonia.
    It was the shivvering pain that made me pretty sure I had broken some.

  10. I know what you mean about docs.

    I was driving around the San Fernando valley in my youth when another driver took exception to my driving "style".

    This exceptional individual pulled along side my car while I was in a left turn lane and started yammering away and then unloads one .38 round into the passenger door. The projectile passed through the door and then through the space between my then girlfriend's upper and lower arm - stuck her in the belly, bounced off and hit me square between the eyes making a small cut.

    Girlfriend is fine except for a "rope" burn on her arm and a bump on the belly. I'm fine except for a trickle of blood down my nose.

    Cops and parents are called, my mom insists I go to the emergency room over my protestations that all they'll do is wiggle my nose, tell me it's not broken, put a bandaid on the cut and charge me $50.00.

    Mom insists and says she'll pay so to please her I go to the ER Doc who wiggles my nose, tells me it's not broken, puts a bandaid on the cut and hands me a bill for $80.00.
    Mom says "see you were wrong."


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