Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Blog Stuff: School's in session...

...headmaster Marko presiding.

Quote of the Day:
Someone's inability to buy vaccine or food or shelter does not constitute a legal or moral claim to the paychecks of those who can. That does not mean there's no charity or good will in a libertarian society, it merely means that if you wish to help the needy, you will not be stopped.

Anybody can do good with other people's money.

The boy can write.

1 comment:

  1. Actually it's surprisingly hard to do good with other people's money. What's easy is doing miscellaneous good-feeling things with other people's money, and then _calling it_ "doing good" regardless of the actual outcome. :)

    Witness, as prime examples, government spending on education (the more we spend, the worse it gets) and poverty (billions spent, and poverty is worse now than before).


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