Saturday, February 24, 2007

Couldn't have happened to nicer guys.

Apparently a group of terrorists in eastern Pakistan were a little iffy on fuse timing, but great at comedic timing.

The mental picture of some guy in a robe riding a bicycle down the road and suddenly exploding is going to keep me chuckling for the rest of the day. :)


  1. One has to wonder how they will explain the whole concept of pre-ordination in this case?

    Did he say Allah is great before Allah caused him to go "pop" a bit early or was this what he was supposed to do regardless.

    Interesting quandry....

  2. Didn't I see this on Monty Python?

  3. Perhaps he'll start a trend?

    I long for the day when the Earth will be rid of them (Terrorists, not peaceful adherents to Islam, like my brother-in-law).

  4. "The severed head of one of the militants was found in a nearby field"
    When you mentally visualize this little slap-stick incident, don't leave out that part!

  5. Now you know why we call 'em Splodeydopes.

  6. "Now you know why we call 'em Splodeydopes."

    I prefer "Not-so-smart bombs."

  7. I once heard a story about a similar Palestinian mishap.
    The group which prepared the bomb and one transporting it used different time zones. I think the time fuse was set according to Israeli daylight savings time, while those transporting the bomb ignored the time zone of the 'evil occupators'. *kB*

  8. Chaulk one up for the gene pool!


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