Friday, February 16, 2007

Okay, now...

This really isn't very funny anymore.


  1. Tam, RE: weather/temps. You have my sympathies. Lately we've been in and out of the 40s at night, yesterday we didn't make 60 for a high, and tonight we're headed for 32 in Orlando.

    I'm trying to organize the pitchfork and torch brigade for a march on our new governor and demand he talk to Gore to get some of that Global Warming down here.

  2. Wow - you're 30 degrees warmer than me. Thats almost shorts weather.

    Homer has it right - invite Al back home to Tennessee and see if he brings some warmth with him.

  3. here in Illinois it's -7, windchill of -20, and we have about 15" of snow.

  4. As the masses huddle together outside a bookstore, burning remaindered copies of "Earth in the Balance" in a barrel in an attempt to keep warm.

  5. Wow, just think of how cold it would be if we did not have Global Warming. . .

  6. Much nicer on the west side of the state.

    Rode my bike to work today. :-P


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