Thursday, March 01, 2007

Remember to wear your sunglasses.

Happy Castle Bravo Day! :)


  1. Happy birthday indeed. This in one of favorite nuclear explosions. I have posted at my site a while back.

  2. I linked some you tube video on a post a few days ago. A must see!

  3. Or, conversely, one might wear a bikini. The swimwear's name derived rom the event.

  4. You always come up with the coolest stuff to write about.

    FYI, btw, my web site has been relocated. I'm working on my blogroll to try and send more traffic back to you folks as well.

  5. Thanks, triticale, for mentioning "Tamara K" and "bikini" in the same post, reminding me that if you google that, you still get a hit. The original Bikini test, you might say. Pass it on.

    Oppenheimer: "I am become Tam, destroyer of worlds..."


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