Sunday, April 01, 2007

Blog Stuff: Pardon the piccie...

Just toying with using a new profile pic and needed someplace Blogger-accessible to park this...

Photo by (as usual) The Volkmeister.

I just think I look so friendly and cheerful in this picture, even taking the scary rifle into account...

EDIT: F-'in Blogger won't let me internally link pics from my own blog. Bastiges. Suddenly I'm not so friendly and cheerful.


  1. Nicer pic than mine...

  2. Yeah, that was one of the charming "features" of new blogger that prompted me to move to my own server.

    "It's new and improved (except for the 'improved' part)!"

  3. Tam, I like the pic. In fact, it's the first one I have seen of you smiling!

  4. And especially cheerful and friendly to those of us who LIKE scary rifles.

  5. More pictures of Tam with scary rifles, please!

  6. Scary rifle? What scary rifle?

  7. Hey, it's my pal, Tam! (Soooo tempting to call her "Tammy", here.) And look! She brought her toy! Let's go play, huh, Tam? :)

  8. Tam haiku:

    Your smiling face all sweetness and light, a lethal
    kewpie from hell. *ting!*

    I know. I won't quit my day job.

  9. That's not a smile. This is a smile.

    And yes, those are rubber gloves.

    For some odd reason, I prefer Tam's pic, though.

  10. I prefer your other one. If you have the rifle on you, I don't think you need to worry about keeping your 1911 concealed.

    Any Picture with a 1911 is a good picture.

    Still I must point out that you quite photogenic no matter the pic or pose.


  11. An occasional change is good for the soul.

    The new pic is terrific, I say.

  12. Miss Tamara, thank-you. I never thought I'd see someone worthy of Heinlein's ideal... By the Lord and Lady, may you always be well, happy, and forever, free...

  13. I like both picts. more would be apreciated, prefer previous.

  14. That is a darn good photo of you.

  15. Don't hit me (or worse) for saying so, but with the off-colored telescoping stock, the AR looks like a toy. Don't know why I thought that, but there you go.

    Try it with an M-1....

  16. Uh-oh, with pictures like that no one will believe your claim that you're a misanthrop. ;-)

  17. Whoa...

    Baby doll, you are a heart stopper-without the rifle...


  18. I think it's great!

  19. Nice picture. I've enjoyed all your pics.

    It may be his style, but I personally think Volk's pictures tend to be a bit too washed out for my tastes. I think you'd look even better if your pretty face was more defined.


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