Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Gun Nerd Humor:

"New OODA Loops stay crunchy even in milk!"


  1. This clearly calls for a lolcat!

  2. I've got nothing but respect for the late Col. John Boyd, myself...

  3. "I've got nothing but respect for the late Col. John Boyd, myself..."

    Same here. I don't know how it came into being for gun nuts, but the first time I heard of the OODA loop was a few years ago, then I read the book about Boyd, and learned who came up with it.

  4. "I've got nothing but respect for the late Col. John Boyd, myself..."

    I've got nothing but respect for him, too.

    The next time I hear some Counterstrike Kiddie telling me he "got inside my OODA loop" because he beat me to the eight ball in a game of billiards, however...


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