Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nothing like needing a kleenex first thing in the morning.

You'd better come home safe, John.

(H/T to Brown Valley Kingdom.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Neoniettzsche - Pretentious? Moi?

    Tam - Excellent link.

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  5. I'm almost home, sweetie. Two days of patrols, a few days of outprocessing, and a convoy to the airport, and I'll be on the Freedom Bird.

  6. My shirt-front is sodden.

    And I am minded that Americans simply do not function how English do. These words would not *reach* then the same way. They wouldn't understand.

    This makes them poor allies.

    I do understand. Goodness, how I understand.

    Thank you for my wet shirt-front.

  7. Nothing personal, but I think someone here is off his meds.

  8. Great vid and thanks for the link :)

  9. Tam, at the risk of sounding like a complete brown-noser, I'm very flattered that you've visited my site! And linked to it, no less...

  10. Fantastic vid - even with the sound card not working on my machine at work, I sat at my desk and boo-hooed. Thanks for posting this.

  11. Godspeed, John.


  12. I had to pause the vid to go get some tissues from across the room.
    I have my Step-Bros b/c their Dad's name is on that Black Wall in D.C. My Cousin Mel is in Baghdad for his 2nd tour right now, so I was thinking of him. And John was on my mind, of course.
    Oh, shoot, I'll just blog about this on my own page. Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. neonietz...
    How dare you besmirch the honorable service of these men and women by spouting your anti-war bushwa?
    I question the sincerity of your concern for their safety and well-being. I believe you just want to cast the pearls of your wisdom before the TRUE supporters of our Brave Soldiers. When was the last time YOU sent a care package to Soldiers Angels, or Wounded Warriors or any other group that provides aid and comfort to our Service men and women?
    Why don't you come over to my blog later today and we can continue this discussion? Oh, wait, that might take away time from your Cyber-stalking of Tam, mighten it?
    Never mind, I forgot you're a man on a mission.

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  15. Can ANYBODY guess what 'Blazing Saddles' line just ran through my head after reading that entry?


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  17. waaaaaaaah!
    God bless those guys and gals.

    And John.. bummer on the delay. Hope to still see you soon though.

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  21. John,

    I told you a few weeks ago how very proud of you I am now and have been since you enlisted just weeks and September 11, 2001.

    And, if by some misfortune, you were not to survive the last few days of your tour-oh, how you would be missed...more than life and to the end of my days.



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