Friday, May 04, 2007

Blog Stuff: Two days late and a LOLlar short...

...I have discovered LOLTrek. It's like a perfect geek singularity.

(H/T to Kit.)


  1. Ur in my head, makin me laugh

  2. Was drinking coffee. Must now wash monitor

  3. I don't think Himself was at all amused when I responded to his bitching about how fast hair accumulated on his clothes in this house with "I'm in ur house, fuzzin' ur shirts."

    Oh well. I thought it was funny.

  4. Heh.

    My ex called them "Tamara spores", as in: "I opened my toolbox at work today and there was a Tamara spore in there! You've never been to the jobsite! How did you do that?"

  5. Only now I'm going to get more hits from unfortunate people researching the projected quadriploid varient of my name grain.


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