Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Boomsticks: School's in session...

I have lots to say about ammo prices and supply. Fortunately, everything I'd like to say (and much, much more) is said here. Go learn.

(The initial post, from Dave, is most relevant. I'm a little uncertain on some of the stuff from Kola. Commenters below are just speculating, like the guy who said that all rimfire ammo is made in Mexico. This is what we call "not true" or "wrong". Winchester's, for instance, is made in Arkansas, which is still north of the border, last I checked...)

(H/T to Porta's Cat.)


  1. "Arkansas, which is still north of the border, last I checked"

    Cue the banjo!

    North of which border?

    Us Jayhawkers are skeered of Hillbillies.

  2. Arkasas is, thankfully, south of the border that divides cultures, as opposed to nations.
    Is Remington ammo still made in the Lonoke, AR, plant?

  3. I thought Remington's ammo was made in AR and Winchester's will be made in Oxford, MS (formerly made in East Alton, IL).

  4. I like the comment about having more than 2000 rounds most likely violating some law and requiring HAZMAT notices.

    I've probably got more than that in one of my clothes hampers!

  5. Ammo prices reflect the prices of everything else.

    Lead has almost doubled in price in the last 3 years. I know this because I just bought some batteries for my boat, and they were MUCH more expensive than they were the last time I checked the prices! (Hundreds of dollars worth of batteries).

    The price of copper (one of the components of brass is also way expensive.

    Steel - 300% in 3 years....

    the list goes on.

    Blame the Chinese - as they are using more of everything - and the Europeans - since they are closing down mills (steel and other) to meet their Kyoto commitments.

  6. Šhard,

    Ya, you guys gave us all the stuff you listed, and....

    Bill Clinton as well.

    Dude, lighten up, will ya?

  7. Interesting read. Visiting my dentist last week he was complaining about the cost of tunsten alloy components for his duck hunting. He blamed China for the price increases as their demand has gone way up with the increase in their technology.



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