Thursday, May 03, 2007

Boomsticks: zomg that's the cutest!


Somewhere on the intarw3b, an Anti just vaporlocked.


  1. I agree very cute. Now to post that where Antis will see it and go into vaporlock.

  2. I expect someone from the state child welfare department to arrive any minute

  3. What an absolute lamb - she'll make a formidable woman one day! Thanks for the link to these warm and fuzzy pics.

  4. Actually, the way he explains the posts, he IS being very carful of his child's safety. And I don't think anyone who takes the time to read the captions, could have a LEGITIMATE objection. OTOH, who ever accussed the grabbers of being legitimate?

  5. The idiots at the Brady Bunch would pee their pants if they saw that one.

  6. ".. I expect someone from the state child welfare department to arrive any minute.."

    Ya know my wife says exactly the same thing when I throw pics like that online.

    While I'd not welcome a visit from the local branch, I'm not particularly inclined to self-edit based merely on an ignorant view of firearms and their relative danger.

    Besides, the same rules apply. No warrant, no entry. The rest we'll have to take as it comes.

    Thanks for the kind words however, that girl is my pride and joy.

  7. Mugwug,
    Now that you've taught your little one how to clean up her/your guns, will you be able to teach her to clean her room?



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