Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, I'm trying to put the polish to a post on gun snobs and why I are one, but I keep getting distracted.

There is obviously some small flying insect loose in the room that is invisible to my eyes but can be seen by kitties, because Random Numbers is performing spectacular aerial ballet under the light fixture in the middle of the room, occasionally kicking off a nearby chair at the top of her leap to get some truly Jordanesque hang times. Meanwhile, Mittens isn't in sight. I hear the distinctive *bwabwabwabwa-GACK!* of a kitty yakking, and Mittens reappears. I go looking for the pile of hork, but none is to be found. Strange. Anyhow, back to typing...

UPDATE: Random Numbers caught the bug and ate it. Given our relative size differences, that'd be like me leaping eight feet into the air and snatching a butterfly... and eating it when I landed, which would be both cool and gross at the same time.


  1. My dad, a cat fancier, called those "invisible insects" that cats seem to find, "rods".

    Why "rods", I do not know. Never asked him.

    But, apparently, "rods" exist in your hemisphere, as well.

  2. katz r kewl. To maintain scale and maximum wonderment, we measure the height that cats reach in cat-lengths.

  3. Does a cat-length include the tail?

  4. The cat yack is also invisible... but you will find it eventually.

  5. that'd be like me leaping eight feet into the air and snatching a butterfly... and eating it when I landed, which would be both cool and gross at the same time.

    Post GIFs please.

  6. I once watched two kittens watching moths fly aroound a table lamp. I swear that one of them braced the shade so the other could use it as a launch point to catch one of them.

  7. If you want to see a cat doing acrobatics, get a laser pointer (suggest not using your handgun mounted laser, you know, load noises and all). Most cats will chase that dot until near collapse. Works really well if you stand partway up some stairs, so the beam is close to vertical. Just pretend it's a mouse that's trying to stay out of reach of the cat. Some dogs will chase it, also.
    I miss my cat.

  8. And people say I'm weird b/c of the way I "baby" my dawgs! I will henceforth refer them here!

  9. It's even more fun to get someone else's cat in someone else's house to chase the laser ... extra points for getting their cat to knock over fragile items.

  10. kristopher, it was my father and MY cat I was referring to! Did you know cats can run up walls?


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