Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day 2007




  1. AMEN!

    Ask any vet. He or she CAN'T forget, no matter how hard he or she may try.

    Again, AMEN!

  2. Someone very clever once wrote:

    "If you're reading this, thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English, thank a veteran".

    That simple picture made me well right up, Tam, I'm not ashamed of admitting it.


  3. Thanks,

    from a Vet

  4. Are you sure Oleg didn't come up with this composition? (Meant as a compliment)

    Great shot...the M1 in the foreground, the boaters in the distant background. While a lot of people are just gonna consider this a long weekend, I think more people these days are remembering what this day is for.

  5. Wish I could've lent you my Helmet to go on top of that...

  6. The things they Carried....

    They carried P-38 can openers and heat tabs,watches and dog tags,insect repellent, gum, cigarettes, Zippo lighters, salt tablets, compress bandages, ponchos, Kool-Aid, two or three canteens of water, iodine tablets,sterno, LRRP- rations, and C-rations stuffed in socks. They carried standard fatigues, jungle boots, bush hats, flak jackets and steel pots. They carried the M-16 assault rifle. They carried trip flares and Claymore mines, M-60 machine guns, the M-70 grenade launcher, M-14's, CAR-15's, Stoners, Swedish K's, 66mm Laws, shotguns, .45 caliber pistols, silencers, the sound of bullets, rockets, and choppers, and sometimes the sound of silence.They carried C-4 plastic explosives, an assortment of hand grenades, PRC-25 radios, knives and machetes. Some carried napalm, CBU's and largebombs; some risked their lives to rescue others. Some escaped the fear, but dealt with the death and damage. Some made very hard decisions, and some just tried to survive. They carried malaria, dysentery, ringworm, jungle rot and leaches. They carried the land itself as it hardened on their boots.
    They carried stationery, pencils, and pictures of their loved ones - real and imagined. They carried love for people in the real world and love for one another. And sometimes they disguised that love: "Don't mean nothin'! "They carried memories. For the most part, they carried themselves with poise and a kind of dignity. Now and then, there were times when panic set in, and people squealed or wanted to, but couldn't; when they twitched and made moaning sounds and covered their heads and said "Dear God" and hugged the earth and fired their weapons blindly and cringed and begged for the noise to stop and went wild and made stupid promises to themselves and God and their parents, hoping not to die.They carried the traditions of the United States Military, and memories and images of those who served before them. They carried grief, terror, longing and their reputations. They carried the soldier's greatest fear: the embarrassment of dishonor. They crawled into tunnels, walked point, and advanced under fire, so as not to die of embarrassment. They were afraid of dying, but too afraid to show it.They carried the emotional baggage of men and women who might die at any moment.They carried the weight of the world.


    Author Unknown

    Remember them this Memorial Day May 28th.

  7. Quoted above sounds like Tim O'Brien.

    Beautiful pic, thanks.

    Semper Fidelis.


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