Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Not trying to sound like a back seat driver, or anything...

...but God sure took His sweet time getting around to this.

Great takes on the subject by Babs and Matt.

I guess the thing that irks me most is reading reports of the $200 million tax-free dollars that flowed through Thomas Road Church's offering plates annually; how much of that went to help the needy, and how much went to politicking? It apparently also irked some bearded guy in a robe and sandals, who tried to chase the accountants out with a whip, but they called the cops and had Him hauled off.


  1. Just for him, I hope God is a big angry black immigrant lesbian.

    Seriously, tax exemptions for churches should never have happened.

  2. Damn. The body's barely room-temperature yet...

  3. The body may be cooling, strongly suspect the soul is, uh, warmish...

  4. It's said these things happen in threes.

    If so, then is it too much to hope for that Fred Phelps ( would be next?

    Topic for discussion: Who would be perfect for the third leg of this stool?

  5. I don't mind Jerry, never had. He seemed to be amusing, irrelevant, but nearly always meant well.

    I find it amusing that a homosexual activist complained about him exacerbating the AIDS epidemic, when it seemed to me the immoral behavior of the most promiscuous homosexuals was the main cause.

    To put medical science in perspective: We are stil waiting for a medical cure of our first virus borne illness. To demand medical progress on a cure of for a retro virus, about which far less is known, while continuing with the thousand sexual partners a year habit... well, lets just say that most of the people who held that position didn't last as long as Jerry.

    You see, I know that the Media edit, pick, choose, and occasionally lie, and they do it in a determined effort to push their agenda. Jerry was a frequent victim of their power to distort.

  6. Well, since it took New Orleans about 3 centuries to get around to being dealt the comeuppance of Katrina, Jerry Falwell was prolly right on schedule to succumb at 70-something.

    What I find ironic is the hideous Protestant structures people build for churches here -- buildings so ugly they actually call into question the very exisitence of Divinity.

  7. anonymous 11:38,

    I got plenty of Unfiltered Jerry growing up; I didn't need the Meedja's help in forming my (low) opinion of the guy.

  8. Christopher Hitchens gleefully (if not a tad bit incoherently) speaking ill of the dead here.


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