Thursday, June 07, 2007

Boomsticks: Rising stars.

It always makes me happy to see the bumper crop of rising young stars in IPSC and Cowboy Action Shooting. It's good to know that someone's coming along behind you to keep it going.

Someone posted a link to this video over at The Firing Line. Here's 2006 French Women's IPSC champ, Laetitia Daguenel in action. I feel old and creaky. Girl's got game.

EDIT: Her website. IPSC appears to be quite healthy on that side of the pond.


  1. PETITE fille a le jeu.

  2. DAHM! She looks like she is havin' a ton of fun.

  3. French Hotness can shoot. It might be time for me to embrace my Frog heritage....

  4. Looking at Miss Daguenel's website, it would appear that there are at least a couple of other young ladies about her age competing alongside her. I'm surprised and happy to see that shooting sports are still alive in Europe, and thrilled to see younger folks involved (and winning!). I gotta try out IPSC or IDPA soon. That looks like too much fun!

  5. Oh, to be thirty-five yers younger...

  6. Damnation. I wouldn't want to get crossways with her.

  7. What is the guy following her around doing?

  8. He's holding a timer.

    Not only does it beep to tell her when to start shooting, it has a microphone that registers the sound of every shot. Her score is partially based on the time from the beep to the last shot.

  9. If I do things right, that'll be Lyra in 17 years.

  10. You know, between that young lady and Jean Reno, there might be hope for the French yet.

  11. It always amazes me how graceful a lass can look in combat boots, when she knows how to wear 'em. Not feminine my eye...

  12. Yes, IPSC is nice to watch.
    Unfortunately in Germany it has the tactical usefulness of playing Moorhuhn

  13. And she shoots Production! Great to see action shooting on the far side of the pond.

    Although, I think I caught sight of an open gun in part of the vid.


    single stack roolz!

  14. Note: most of the shooting is done with a pistol that looks field-worthy, too. (Though I question that the loads would make Major.)

  15. Given the demands of DVC, if she was Nat'l Production Class Women's Champ shooting minor caliber, that's even more impressive.


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