Friday, June 01, 2007

Dear GOP,

Please do not nominate Mitt Romney.

The last two Massachusetts politicians who went to the Big Show got stomped by milquetoast opponents with the public speaking skills of a Thorazined Yogi Berra. America hasn't wanted a Bay Stater in the Oval Office ever since JFK got whacked by Oliver Stone.

That is all.


  1. Ha! The last bit is a keeper.

  2. Hey Tam,

    I found your blog from Kevin's site. I know this is off topic but I have to know...why is Stranger in a Strange Land one of your favorite books? It is one my faves (along with Catcher in the Rye and Slaughterhouse Five) too and I thought only hippie liberals like me :) liked that book.

  3. Because the lesson of Stranger is that actual grownup self-actualized humans don't need nations or churches or governments or "conventional morality" telling them what to do; there are only a few simple rules and every healthy individual knows what they are deep down inside.

    The trick is getting everyone to act like grownups...

  4. I don't think I could agree with you more. I love Heinlein. Started reading his books when I was 12, with Starship. I love Friday too. Have you ever read Job?

    He gets a lot of grief from the PC crown for being sexist. It's crap, he was a brilliant man. I scanned your blog and noticed your photo of Mars and comment about him smiling. I hope we get to see it in our lifetime. I have dreamt about it since I was a kid and everytime I think of travel to the stars I feel like one again.

  5. Also note that Romney hasn't actully BEEN in this state in the last few years because he's been constantly positioning for the run for Prez.

    Anybody who wants the office THAT bad should NEVER have it.

    You could say his behavior is Hillary-Esqu.


  6. The biggest reason I read (and re-read!) "Stranger in a Strange Land" is that this book, more than any other, resulted in my Ee-piphany that landed me in my present apostate condition.

    "Job" pretty much finished the job.

    Things may be ugly for me in the afterlife, but at least for now, I get to sleep in on Sundays.

  7. We can only hope that we once again end up with a Pretzel gagging President complete with a cash on delivery degree from Harvard who lacks the inter-personal skills of a 2 year old.

    At least Romney would ban Assault Style Rifles (ironic humor)

  8. Hey rickn8or, nice post. Although, I have to say, I don't want to give the wrong impression about myself. While I despise organize religion, I think Jesus was, quite simply, wonderful. Of course, I don't need some idiot telling me how He "really" was...

  9. rickn8or,

    You and I should go bowling sometime. ;)


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