Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I got to hang out some...

...with John and Jordy at Oleg's crib. The four of us, plus Frank, went to Dave & Buster's, where John and Frank used their mad, 1337 infantry skillz to lay down total pwn4ge on the digital tangos at the Ghost Squad game, causing passersby to stop and watch as they demonstrated the value of communication and short, controlled bursts. A good time was generally had by all. Well, except me when I tried my hand at the "Extreme Hunting" game; you'd think that when they send you into a forest that is absolutely infested with panicky grizzly bears, they'd do you the favor of giving you a rifle that had been sighted in first... Not that I'm bitter, or anything.


  1. I play Extreme Hunting all the time at my favorite pizza place; I usually go for black bear with a shotgun. (The clays bonus round is fun.)

  2. Aw, geez... the 1337 stuff again? Isn't that cool to 9th graders and such?

  3. Anon:

    Look up the term sarcasm.


  4. Aw, geez... the 1337 stuff again? Isn't that cool to 9th graders and such?

    Which is why I strive to attain at least 1338.

  5. Aw, geez... the 1337 stuff again? Isn't that cool to 9th graders and such?

    If you're not into sardonic mockery of geek culture, this prob'ly ain't the blog for you, sport.

    The latest in Paris Hilton news can be found at

  6. Cuz Paris is phat, yo?!? Y'know't'I'mtawkin'bout?

    We're not tired of her at all!

    (It hurts my head when I roll my eyes that hard.)

  7. Is there a sarcasm emoticon?

    Just sayin'...


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