Friday, June 22, 2007

Random musing...

How come every time you see "Rhode Island" in print, it's always prefaced by the word "tiny"? It's so clichéd. I swear I didn't type it in that previous post; the software must've inserted it automatically.


  1. Because "diminutive" is too long, but they need to insert an adjective?

  2. Because it is tiny. I live in Union County, Arkansas which is approximately 1,039 square miles in size compared to Rhode Island at approximately 1,045 square miles.

    How's that song go? It's OK to be itty bitty?


  3. Cool beans!
    2 of us representn' from the south end of the hog-pen!
    Howdy, Shard!

  4. My parents subscribed to a running gag, probably rooted in their New York origins, to the effect that Rhode Island didn't actually exist. I would perpetuate it, but tht would be tempting Providence.

  5. Howdy back, 2dogs!

    Yeah, Tam and this Knoxville bunch seem like good people.

    And here's another question about Rhode Island. How did it get 'island' in the name? It's not an island.

    Yankees, geez.....


  6. The name ..
    Its actually "Rhode Island and Providence Plantations". The Island refers to Aquidneck Island ( where I am now sitting :) ).

    We may be small, but we have without a doubt the most currupt, union controlled legislature in the country!

    Chris F.

  7. Rhode Island is the big island of the three big islands in the bay. The State's original name (maybe still its name) was Rhode Island & The Providence Plantations.

    I guess that was too long a name & people cut off the tail end which represented the majority of the state.

  8. OK, guys, thanx for the knowledge!

    Heh, I'm not going make too much of a deal about any state's handle, being I live in one that isn't pronounced the way it is spelled!


  9. You gotta admit though, "Rhode Islander" is a lot simpler construction than "Michigander" or "Floridian." So Union County--is it arKANsan, or ARK-n-sawn? (Change the name of Arkansas? NEVER Sir!)

  10. arKANsan is correct.

    FYI on the state name. When Arkansas applied for statehood, one group wanted the state named Arkansaw and another wanted Arkansas. The compromise was to spell it one way and pronounce it the other.

    You think Tam will ban us for hijacking her comments section or will she enjoy 'state name trivia' enough to let us slide?



  11. Well, in my part of the state we proudly call ourselves Arkies. If you see a bunch of snotty, ill-kempt children walking barefoot on gravel in the NE Ozarks, well, them's my relatives.

    Why does "Rhode Island & the Providence Plantations" sound like a doo-wop cobo to me? They should open a theater in Branson.

  12. combo, meant to say. One of these days I'll proof-read before hitting "post."

    Shakes. It's been months and months since I've pulled a proper drunk. Must make up for lost time.

  13. The official name actually IS Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, giving the smallest state the longest name.

    From time to time the usual suspects try to get the legislature to drop the last three words, for the usual reason.

  14. I think the name is so long because they have "little state syndrome". Now the great state of Texas on the other hand has one of the shortest names of all 50.

  15. A person from Arkansas is an Arkansawyer.

  16. Texas is the only State which may, as it chooses, subdivide itself into six smaller states. Can you imagine, 12 senators from ex-Texas?


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