Thursday, July 05, 2007

Boomsticks: Game face.

Breaking the weak-side elbow a bit much, and my left thumb is wandering, but I look rilly, rilly serious. ('Nother photo from Oleg Volk.)


  1. Very dramatic. Is that your Springer Pro?

    Oh, I don't normally do this, but... check out my blog. I have something I think you'll enjoy.

  2. Just for the record I look serious too, behind that blindfold, and in spite of the big grin I seem to get when shooting large rifles from the hip. Okay, actually I look a lot like a six year old with a $100 gift card to Toys R Us. Tam, on the other hand, does look serious. I certainly wouldn't snicker at the wandering thumb!

  3. Oleg caught the ejected casing spinning away, too; that little brass-colored blur just above your ear protector.

    Great pic (as usual)!

  4. You look really good!

    Keep your thumb safe though.

  5. If you're going to keep posting pictures of yourself, I'm going to have to move you up higher in my list of Favorites. :)

  6. I want to see the full auto video.

  7. No insult intended, but that is one "unique" two handed grip. It's reminiscent of a grip where you have a booboo on your off hand and it can't really help, but it needs a home too.... :-D

  8. "No insult intended, but that is one "unique" two handed grip."

    Not really. It's pretty much your standard "high thumbs" grip just like you see all over every IPSC and IDPA match.

  9. Tam,

    Your shooting, your sarcasm, and your sense of humour....combined....your sexy.



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