Thursday, July 12, 2007

Boomsticks: Paging Michael Crichton...

You know those heat-seeking guided bullets you made up for Runaway?

Well, New York Assemblywoman Eddington (Dolt-3rd District) knows where she can get some. Naturally, you have to launch them out of a .50 caliber assault Saturday Night Special terrorist sniper rifle, but they'll wipe out a whole airliner with one shot. Makes you wonder why the U.S. military wastes so much money on big, heavy surface-to-air missiles, doesn't it?

(Really, y'all, watch the video; the woman's shrill naivety, her malevolent ignorance, is simply breathtaking. It's a wonder she doesn't starve from forgetting which end of the spoon goes in her mouth. Also note that the rifle in question is the single shot AR-50, which the President of Armalite has stated has never even been sold to the military.)


  1. Oh, c'mon! That funny right there!

    Sure they are freedom hating, GFW's all but the stuff they say is priceless!

  2. "It's a wonder she doesn't starve from forgetting which end of the spoon goes in her mouth..."

    Or for actually remembering that it does in her mouth, and instead my stick it up her ass. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

    Regardless, that was priceless, Tam.

  3. Armalite AR-50's are proving to be key factors in the public humiliation of one anti-gunner after another.

    It's almost like that's what they were designed to do.

  4. It seems my dyslexia is really bad today. JEEZIS!

  5. Politicians, the especially ignorant yankee one's, are gifts that keep on giving when they try to force their utopian gun control views on reality.

    That was teh funny Tam.

  6. Look, WE might see the obvious stupidity in things like this, but the type of people out to limit individual rights don't care.

    Truth and reality are not and never have been on their agenda.

    To some of them, it's about power. More is better and too much is never enough, as long as it's THEIR'S.

    To others, it's more like a mind numbing cult. Do what the leader says, think what the leader says, say what the leader says, and you too can be a GOOD person. Don't look behind the curtain, don't ask questions, and never think for your self.

    Forget arguements based on truth and logic, and begin playing with their cult framework.

  7. "Well," I say to myself in my best Frank Drebin deadpan. You know, the car I drive every day propels itself by internal combustion. I suppose if we apply the same rationale to my car, we could call the engine an incendiary device. Therefore, it is a dangerous heatseeking weapon. We best pass legislation to keep motor vehicles out of the hands of average citizens. Oh, and quick, take those Knight Rider reruns off the air, too.

    I am forced to roll my eyes and shake my head once again at the sheer factless stupidity forced upon us by yet another elected official.

  8. I love the fact that in the early 21st Century we're able to archive video snippets of these people's utter bellignorance for playback at the time and place of our choosing.

    LOVE IT.

  9. Well, the Army does have homing bullets, of sorts.

    It's actually an artillery round, 155mm, called the Copperhead. Laser homer.

    I know they're working on a JDAM-style GPS targeted round, but I'm not sure if they've got it in service yet or not.

  10. "Look, WE might see the obvious stupidity in things like this, but the type of people out to limit individual rights don't care."

    Unfortunately, Carteach is right. There are people out there - highly educated, intelligent people - who simply have been driven away from any knowledge of weaponry "because their college prof said they kill babies" - who'll buy this. Some of them may even be scientists, doctors or engineers, who Just Don't Know.

    That throw-away "heat seeking" comment will pay off. Because people don't know.

    Education is our only weapon in this battle. Sorry to say it, but it's true.

  11. Where do I get some? These would be great at parties.

  12. That Noo Yawk accent really grates on the ear. It grates twice as hard when it's being emitted from an imbecile...

  13. What? An incendiary device is a heat-seeking device? Mmmm... no, Pattycakes... that's not what the word means. Now, please return to your seat and put your head down on your desk. You need a nap. Anyone else want to to try and make a sentence using the word "incendiary"? Charlie? You must use it properly, and the sentence must make sense.

  14. Tam - this makes me want to jump through the hoops and buy a .50 rifle for myself, just on principle. I might wait until Black Hills comes out with match-grade moron-seeking SAPHEI rounds for it though, actually aiming is such a bother...

    Heartless - The 105mm guided round is called Excalibur, and apparently it works quite well indeed.

    w/v stled... St. Lead? Patron saint of all things ballistic?


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