Sunday, July 29, 2007

Chris Muir is paying for my sinuses...

...'cause they've suffered serious damage from Diet Code Red Mountain Dew.

"I can totally see down Media Chick's top, LT."

That's funny right there, I don't care who you are... :)


  1. Lord, I apologize and be with the starvin' pygmies in New Guinea. Amen.

  2. I saw the toon before Getting to your site.

    Reminds me of the 20 yrs. ago in a security booth wathing the camera's. A young ladyfriend at work there asked how I could see anything with the camera on the roof. I asked her to step out onto the sidewalk, lean back, and look up. After zoooming in, I told her the color of her bra ;-)

  3. The technology is here.

    it's how we use it. The troops there wouldn't, but I would...

  4. Uhh, Chris, don't be surprised what the troops would do with the cool tech toys they've got.

    I was testing a communications jammer in one of our EA-6B aircraft one night in the Gulf and got to listen in on a dude on the boat asking his GF back in San Diego why she was dumping him...

  5. freddyboomboom,

    that sounds ok to me!

  6. freddyboomboom--
    So, did you listen and laugh, or did you "inject some noise" into the conversation?

    (Fomer ERA-3B crewman here)

  7. "FORMER"!

    Also, speling champ.


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