Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Fourth of July, everybody!

Shoot off some fireworks for me, 'cause I, supragenius that I am, left mine at home. :-(

On the other hand, I may get to do some shooting today, which will be fun. There will even be an actual instructor type present, so I might learn something to improve my mad 1337 pistol skillz (or lack thereof.)


  1. Sounds good. It's thunderbooming here right now, but I'm hoping it'll clear up in time for fireworks in Springfield with the kids tonight. Maybe we'll go to the indoor range this afternoon.

    They're still asleep; we've spent the last two nights at the Annual Virden Picnic downtown (if Virden had a downtown.) Good times.

  2. Wouldn't mad 1911 pistol skillz be more valuable, like by 537 pointz?

    BTW, the capcha ends in "s", which leaves me tempted to type it wrong.

  3. None of that out here in norain dryland, everything catches fire. :-(

  4. Had a great shoot with you, Tam! Thanks for letting Raquel and Sophie try your uber-super-custom 1911. Photos to follow.


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