Sunday, July 22, 2007

More trouble with UN peacekeepers? Say it ain't so!

Proving once again that the UN couldn't referee a schoolyard dustup, let alone a civil war, Moroccan troops under UN command in Cote d'Ivoire have been told to go stand in the corner. Apparently they got caught trying to take a piece while ostensibly keeping the peace. It's such a warm fuzzy to know that, after a suitable number of intermediaries, my tax dollars were used to pay the salaries of rapists.

(And since when has Morocco been stable enough to be sending peacekeeping troops?)


  1. I'm pretty sure it's done as a source of revenue for the little countries, plus qualifies them for UN benies of some sort.
    Come the "rope, tree, etc..." routine, I want the f****ing UN removed with extreme prejudice.

  2. There must not have been enough goats available...

  3. I'm reasonably sure Morocco has been pretty damn stable for most of my lifetime (33 yrs); I lived there for 2 years as a foreign service brat, and it didn't seem to be that much different from, say, Spain (also visited). A quick ook at their modern history doesn't show any particular instability.


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