Thursday, July 05, 2007

News Flash! Desert is hot in July!

This has apparently taken some folks by surprise.

Some non-desert areas got fairly warmish, too. Spokane hit 100, which is only 8 degrees shy of the record set back in SUV-crazy, CFC-pollutin' 1928.

Personally, I blame the Gulfstreams For Global Warming concert and all the CO2 from Al Gore III's doobies.


  1. I swear to God, there was a piece this morning about it being hot in Death Valley, CA.

    The place is called Death Valley, ferchrissakes.

  2. You know I did notice it was a bit warm the last couple of days.

    Phoenix, AZ

  3. I love the photo of those two women lugging the case of beer through Las Vegas.


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