Wednesday, July 11, 2007

News: Not with a bang, but a whimper.

Glasgow terrorist likely to die.

Gosh, I'm all tore up about that. Probably a pretty painful way to go, too.


  1. This is the feel-good story of the week. Let's hope they keep him alive as long as possible to enjoy his demise.

  2. I'm surprised they can't pump him full of enough antibiotics to keep the infections down. But maybe he doesn't know anything useful.

    Big dummy probably wants to die, too. Dummy.

  3. Actually it's not a too painful death. Deep burns tend to shut down the nervous system and death usually is the result of kidney failure and systemic shock. So for this guy its no pain and(from my perspective) all gain.

  4. I'm sorry; for some reason my Care-meter™ isn't registering...

  5. With a bit of imagination, in the photo linked with the news story, that rescue worker almost appears to be pissing on the poor murderer. Oh well, only in a perfect world....

  6. With as many and as extensive burns as he had, it wouldn't matter if he were a national hero- the skin is the primary guard against massive infection. Without enough of it, you can drench the patient in as much vancomycin as you want and the bugs will still win.

  7. God, I'm in a vindictive mood today - I just laughed at that article.

    He poured gasoline all over the car and himself in an effort to blow up both when the timing on his bombs didn't go off correctly, right?

    Why was he even in a hospital? He obviously wants to die. I say pour salt water on him. (Sorry, there's that vindictive nature again...)

  8. As I read this aloud to Dearly Beloved, who was otherwise occupied, we commented [in stereo] "Aww."
    When I read further that he was not able to fight off infection, I opined, "Well, DUH, not with everybody pissin' on him!" If only that were true.
    And what's up with the callin' him a "Suspect" and the word "alleged" bomber? I know it's politically correct and he hasn't been tried or convicted...but, c'mon...they pulled him from the Burning SUV that had just crashed into the frickin Glasgow airport! He was screamin' "Allah Ackbar!" Is there any doubt in any rational person's mind that he IS guilty?

  9. Actually, if he did survive, then it would painful.

    My sister dated a guy about 20 years ago who was involved in a serious car fire resulting from some boneheaded decisions with fireworks. He survived, but with burns over the lower 2/3rds of his body.

    I remember him describing the daily scrubbing sessions to keep the burned areas clean. A bath filled with hot water and caustic smelling chemicals of some sort. Had him on morphine and he was still screaming from the pain.

    Pray that the terrorist survives.

  10. Wow, I feel so bad for Dr. Terrorist. I know how to make him feel better. First, liberally sprinkle some lye all over his burned flesh and everywhere else as well. Second, gently whisper to him that I'm going to sew his body up in a pigskin bag and bury him facing west away from Mecca when I get through with him. Then, treat him to 72 hours of fun and adventure of a brand I can only come up with when I'm in a vendetta kind of mood. After 3 days I'll be tired of dealing with him I expect. In the end, a fun death by purposely injected mercury embolism. It's just my Scots heritage coming out to say hello to the bastard.

  11. I was hoping he'd be a recurring guest commentator on Iowahawk...


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