Tuesday, July 17, 2007

OSHA backs off...

...on the ammunition issue at least. So that's cool and all for now.

Other than that, they're still an annoying, nosy, unconstitutional waste of taxpayer dollars.

(H/T to Unc.)


  1. Tam, the amount of interference that OSHA can do is unbelievable. If you are a commercial enterprise(and what they consider "commercial" is anytime money of any sort changes hands), and you have physical faclilities, it's under their domain. I've heard of them going after people who telecommute, because they're home office doesn't meet standards.. I know of one machine shop that caught it in the shorts because they were short a coupla watts a square foot below the minimum(yes, they have specs for that - they have specs for EVERYTHING). They are, in some ways, worst than the IRS..

  2. Far more important than that they backed off would be the question of whose idea the regulations actually were. The head of the labor dept denies all knowledge, but somebody had to think that up. Did some senators aide drop by and offer assistance?

  3. Other than that, they're still an annoying, nosy, unconstitutional waste of taxpayer dollars.



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