Friday, July 27, 2007

Raise your hand if you're surprised.

How to Win a Fight With a Liberal is the ultimate survival guide for political arguments

My Conservative Identity:

You are an Anti-government Gunslinger, also known as a libertarian conservative. You believe in smaller government, states’ rights, gun rights, and that, as Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’”

Take the quiz at

Seen over Marko's shoulder at the Munchkin Ranch yesterday. Vishnu knows where he found it. Probably AmboDriver; he's forever taking these little quizzes.


  1. Ha! I'm a "freedom crusader". I wanted to be a gunslinger too. I wonder what's wrong with my thinking. Perhaps the stormtrooper thingy.


  2. Nah, I chose the stormtrooper because it was funny and I came out as an anti big government gunslinger as well.

  3. sniff, sniff.......
    I only got the Flag waver........

  4. I got a gunslinger handle, which I expected more than the other ones.

  5. Depending on just how I answer, I range from Flag-Waving Everyman to Freedom Crusader. I guess I haven't quite made up my mind, really.

    Pretty simple rubrick they've got, as the A answers correspond to Faith-Based Fighters, B to Flag-Waving Everymen, etc.

    Personally, I found 3 to be difficult question to answer. Felt obligated to choose A (the Bible: I is religious), but C, E, and F all seem like excellent choices from a pragmatic perspective. (What I'd *really* do is grab a copy of the Yellow Book and as much of the Gutenberg Project as possible.)

  6. "If you could pile any three people into a naked pyramid, who would you choose?"

    Can anyone explain this question, the only person in the answer I'd have any interest in seeing naked is a 18-30 year ols Marylin Monroe

  7. I believe it's an Abu Ghraib reference...

  8. I didn't rate as there was no "none of the above". You were either a godboy or a lemming.Wait...that's redundant. No mention of the constitution whatsoever. The modern American way, let's hear what we want to hear and dialogue is dangerous. Especially if we're not the ones trolling for IEDs.
    Turn on American Idol and pass the cheesy poofs.Thanks.
    Another NCO who thinks the GWOT is in Asscrackistan not Iraq or the local mall.

  9. Hah!

    Yeah, that's me. "Godgirl Lemming".


    Thanks for playing, though, kid.

  10. "Probably AmboDriver; he's forever taking these little quizzes."

    And each one is another small step on my endless journey of self discovery.

    Attaining self awareness through random answer generators, I remain:

    Ambulance Driver
    aka "Beefy McManstick"

  11. And all this time I thought Ambulance Driver's real name was Studley Hungwell.

  12. Well, it's says I'm an "anti-gov't gunslinger" also. It's flawed though as I'm not any breed of conservative. I thought #4 was really interesting since the big gov't conservatives love to regulate just as much as the big gov't liberals. #6 didn't have my choice at all, which is "Dixie" of course. However, it is pretty much academic as no self respecting anarchist would even consider running for office. Again, #7 didn't have my choice either. It's really tough to pick just three, but Bush, Abe Lincoln, and FDR come to mind. Again, it's purely rhetorical as frankly I have no interest in torturing anyone, I just want them to leave me alone.


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