Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Remember the Richard Davis beating in NOLA?

When the NOPD covered themselves in glory by beating a 66 year-old black man until his skull cracked, leaving him face down and bleeding on the street?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


  1. That case is much worse than my other favorite example of New Orleans law.... the cops video taped looting the Wal Mart, walking around picking out high heels and such. They too threatened the news crew that filmed them in the act.

    I support law enforcement. HONEST law enforcement. These scum in the Big Easy..... they take the cake. Talk about brazen...

  2. Law enforcement is funded by money taken by force, therefore by definition it is dishonest. Doesn't leave much to support does it?

  3. "The video also shows two FBI agents joining the police in subduing Davis. Federal officials said they would investigate their role. The agents were never indicted.

    Marullo questioned why prosecutors didn't pursue charges against the FBI agents.

    'You choose when and where and who to prosecute, and your choices were wrong," Marullo said. "Not guilty.'"

    Well, the video shows the guys who were indicted as throwing punches and extracting the blood from a man who was being arrested for supposedly for PI, on the basis of his calling a spade a spade. The guys who did the real punching were found not guilty by the same judge who says that the assisting feds are guilty?

    I'm highly interested in this Judge Marullo, who gives local yokels a free ride and accuses the feds, who happen not to be local voters.

    I cannot at this moment conceive of a situation that would drive me to enter New Orleans, or its surrounding parishes, for the rest of my life. I would as likely enter Moscow, Hannoi, Beijing, or Tehran.

  4. Oh, and 7.62?

    I've noticed that you espouse a love of anarchy. (You said in another comment that it's "the only way.)

    How do you plan to make a completely lawless society work?

    I ask this in complete and utter sincerity, as a cop (who, like Billy Mac, "makes his livin' off other people's taxes"), and as a half-assed Libertarian.

    Because "shoot 'em if they piss me off" doesn't last for long, and I could take you to some places that are pretty close to anarchy, and trust me: you wouldn't want to live there.

  5. I'm willing to bet that those "places pretty close to anarchy" are actually a lot closer to chaos. There is a difference. Every one of us lives in anarchy every day interacting with dozens of other people without the benefit of supervision by authorities. Just imagine that on a larger scale. Sure, there would be the bad apples that would take what they want by force, but those exist in spite of "law enforcement" now. I'd rather take my chances with all of my earnings available to provide for my own protection as I see fit than make do with the pittance I'm left now and have one more armed gang waiting to attack me under the color of authority.

  6. New Orleans...


    Fallujah on the Mississippi, that's all it is.

    For those of you not from Louisiana, please understand that particular cesspool isn't really part of my state. It's kinda like Rome and the Vatican...if you replaced "Vatican" with "world's largest open air crack house."

  7. matt g -
    The absence of a police force does not necessarily make a society lawless. Your assumption that it does is indicative of your opinion of your fellow citizens.

  8. Anyone living in a free state looking to hire a computer tech who doesn't mind working the graveyard shift? Stories like this are making it more & more difficult to stay & try to fix this city.

    And AD, while the rest of the state may not like the New Orleans area, they have no problem whatsoever with the tax money we generate for them...

  9. "And AD, while the rest of the state may not like the New Orleans area, they have no problem whatsoever with the tax money we generate for them..."

    I lived in New Orleans for three years. City life is just not for me, particularly New Orleans city life.

    But, Cybrludite, it would be more proper to say "all that tax money we used to generate for them," because New Orleans now is
    a big gaping hole into which we pour taxpayer money from the rest of the state.

    The years when NOLA was the economic engine that drove the state will be a long time coming back. Meanwhile, the political corruption that grew from catering to New Orleans area politicians is crippling the rest of us.

  10. AD,

    Makes up for the previous, what 300 years or so? that we've been paying the bills for the rest of the state, I suppose. And might I politely remind you who gave us Governor Blanco. And Edwards. And both of the Longs, for that matter. Saying that the rest of the state is any less corrupt than New Orleans is a joke. We're just honest about it. ;-)


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