Monday, July 16, 2007

"This is so embarassing that I just have to blog about it!"

Why do people always say that? "This is so embarassing that I just have to tell a hojillion strangers all about my latest faux pas!" Anyhow...

So I've got 1600-something posts here. I'd have probably twice that number if everything that came into my head got put down. I'll be wandering about the apartment and the idea for something to write will pop into my head. I'll grab my book & beer and go sit on the porch, the book forgotten as I write and rewrite the post in my head. I know it'll be good if I make myself chuckle.

Finally, with a smile, I know I've got it right. As soon as I finish this beer and this chapter, I'll go write it. Dang, this book is good. Well, maybe one more chapter. Hmmm. My beer is empty; I'll go fetch another. Is it getting dark out? And then I go upstairs and sit in front of VFTP Command Central and... what was it I was going to write about? Crap, better just throw a goofy Simpson's avatar in there as filler.

Anyhow, this morning it hit me... Did you know (and I'm not making this up) that there is a program in Windows called "Notepad"? Really, it's true. And using this program, you could make a file called something like "Post Topics" or "Writing Ideas" and put it right on your desktop, and every time you had an idea for a post, you could write it there using just a sentence or a couple words to jog your memory. Then when you wrote the actual post, you could cross it off the list. I swear to you, this is true. I know this, because I just crossed off "I'm an idiot for not making notes".


  1. I have a folder for blog ideas. For each article I dream up, I have a text file that I name whatever I'm gonna call the article. I start with just a few words or disjointed sentences, then come back later and clean it up, delete notes that were intended to jog my memory, and cut & paste sections into the actual article.
    For quickie notes, I use "Scratch Pad" on my Google toolbar.

  2. Dear techno-children,

    This old blog-fool discovered paper and pen work best for me. They work even when the power is out, the computer is occupied, or I'm away.

    When I'm through with the notes on paper, I can start a fire on the hearth.

  3. I can't read what you said; my power went out.


    I use power or connectivity failures as the universe's way of telling me to go outside and play. :D

  4. Hmmpph..

    As an instructor, I LIVE with a PDA in my pocket all school year. Daily schedules, class notes, students notes, report this, hang that...

    It's JULY. I don't HAVE to be so organized right now. My PDA now lives in the my Maxpedition carry bag, along with my watch (something else I don't need this month).

    PDA, backup PDA, Notes on the desktop, notes on my notebook PC, sticky notes, voice reminders...

    I write what I want to write, when I feel like writing it. If not, then it's work. Work is what I do 80 hours a week for 9.5 months a year. July is not for work.

  5. That cheap note-pad paper used to be called "foolscap." I tucks into the coon-skin so neat, you'd swear it was programmed to go in there.

  6. I been usin' WordPad just that way.

    And you're addressing my quest: "Why do we do this, again?"


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