Monday, July 16, 2007

Tough room.

Well, at least I thought that "OMG A TRU..." was the funniest thing I'd ever written.

See, she was text messaging, and... Get it?

Sigh. Never mind.


  1. yup, thats funny right there

  2. OMG A TRU doesn't mean anything unless the reader is dedicated text messenger.

    I had to think about it a while.....

    Course, I ain't de sharpest brick in the stack.

  3. Bricks aren't supposed to be sharp.

  4. OK,I'll be the dummy.

    I didn't get it until I actually typed it out longhand in this comment to ask what it meant. I thought it was "Oh my God, a true . . ." like a true story.

    When I read this post today, I thought maybe "TRU" was an acronym.

    I think I get it now. It's like trying to find the Castle of Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrggghhh.

    You kids with your texting and your rock and roll and your Davy Crockett hats . . . .

  5. Who's Davy Crockett?

  6. He discovered Canada, dummy. Geez, crack a book.

  7. Well, I thought it was funny.

    But I'm a dork.

  8. "You kids with your texting and your rock and roll and your Davy Crockett hats . . ."

    Okay, Tam's was funny...but THAT requires a beverage alert!

  9. I thought it was funny.

    But that means about 95% of the world doesn't think its funny. I suspect your readers are biased towards that other 5% though.


  10. I found myself trying to figure out what TRU meant in textish, once I realized it wasn't an acronym, I read the post regarding the Darwin Award nominee and FOFLMAO.

  11. Doh..!!!

    I missed the connection on the first pass, too...

  12. Jokes are always funnier when they have to be explained. At least that's what I tell my wife when she doesn't get my jokes.

  13. No worries, Tam. I got it.

    And yeah, I was LMAO.


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