Thursday, August 09, 2007

Big Plan: Performance art...

It's too damn hot in this old converted cabin for me to get a good night's sleep with only one window-type A/C unit. (It's freakin' 10PM and claims it's 87 out there...)

Instead, I will take advantage of a fridge full of Diet Dew and beer to try and stay typing until the pre-dawn hours when interior temps drop below 80.

I predict serious sleep deprivation makes things really wonky sometime about 3AM, since I was up and typing at zero-dark-thirty this morning.

Stay tuned.


  1. What you need, Tam, is a big-ass window unit. At the last place I rented, there was one in the living room that would damned near fill up the trunk of my '81 Caprice. Despite the place being a 35-plus-year-old, drafty, leaky trailer, that thing kept most of the place cool, except when the sun was nearly overhead.
    We occasionally slept in the living room on REALLY hot nights; tonight comes to mind. I hope it's cooler over there, but I doubt it: last night it was 95 at 9:30, and tonight looks the same. It was worth it at $355 a month.

  2. Tam, you've got the lake right there. I'd be in it...


  3. Check the capacity of the circuit breakers in your house before adding on to the A/C. Back in NJ, we thought we were okay when we plugged in the second air conditioner - then a circuit breaker broke! Yeah, snapped that sucker big time. Next thing we knew, we had the electrician in the basement and the power company on the roof. The whole electrical system had to be upgraded. Blew the summer vacation budget. OldeForce

  4. Pin sheets up around your bed to funnel the AC output to where it counts, or barring that pin them up to make the space cooled smaller. If they don't reach floor to ceiling make sure they at least hit the floor, and you may want to weight them down to keep the air from blowing past.

    Oh, and shoot the first person who recommends a swamp cooler :)


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