Friday, August 24, 2007

Blog Stuff: Car wish.

You know, if I could find a first-generation MR2, one of the little wedgy atomic doorstop looking ones, with less than 100k miles that hadn't been autocrossed to death, I'd probably sell the Zed Three to buy it. I just saw one go-karting around town the other day, and I had completely forgotten just what cute little rides those were.


  1. Even if you hadn't ever posted your location, I could immediate rule out the Northeast by that post...

    All Toyos (and Hondas, and 'Rus, etc) from that era are loooong gone up here, sacrificed to the salt gods and rotted away to dust...

  2. Uh, Tam, we all know that you are six feet tall, even sans shoes, so I'm thinkin' that the t-tops would have to be removed on a fairly permanent basis.

    That ride is designed for midgets.

  3. When they first came out, a clubbing buddy of mine got one(a glorious neon blue), and we'd run around in it with the roof open, blasting Propaganda's P-Machinery, which was great music for driving fast. Those were golden moments.

  4. In 1994, I dropped into a local car dealer to visit a friend who worked there. On the lot, they had a 1989 Supercharged MR2, in Arrest Me Red, with about 40k miles on it. I traded in my first generation RX7 on the spot.

    I'm 6'0, and it's very comfortable - I recline the drivers seat back, and fit just fine. It's got about 145k on it now, and I think I'll do a valve job sometime next year.

    It's the worst car I've ever driven in snow and ice, but that probably wouldn't be much of a problem in TN.

    Find one - you won't regret it!


  5. Have you had any problems with the supercharger? I was going to look for one of those, but the magnetic clutch scared me off...

  6. "I recline the drivers seat back"

    I rest my case.

    Midget car.

  7. It can't have less headroom than a Z3. ;)

  8. I haven't had a bit of trouble with the supercharger. I think the magnetic clutch is basically the same type that runs the air conditioning compressor, so it's pretty mature technology now.

    B&N - I only have to recline the seat one notch. It's lots roomier than, say, a Austin-Healey 100, an MGB, or a Fiat 128, and downright barge-like compared to a MG Midget. Then again, what isn't...


  9. You'll appreciate the Z3 if you ever have the misfortune to get into an accident over the MR2.

    That being said, I cry because I'm WAY over 6ft, and not only have I yet to come across a sports car that I fit into (MiniCooper S excepted, to my shock, but I don;t like it)but most cars with #$%#$%#$% sun roofs aren't feasible either.

    Do you have any idea how otherwise nice cars have a sun roof as standard?

  10. I'm 6'2" and fit in my '87 fine. However, the earlier ones drew the air from under the car. I live on a gravel road. The wimpy air cleaner seals didn't seal, and I ended up with a motor full of dirt.

    If you must have one, make sure it is a later version with the air intake on one of the side vents.

    They are a blast to drive - a go cart with A/C, heat and tunes.

  11. When I was looking for a car in '87, I did the test drive thing at a Toyota dealer. I really loved the MR2 but finally decided on a Celica. I found the problem with MR2 was the need for a second car if we went travelling. After all, the MR2 could carry a flat of beer in the front, an attache case behind the passenger seat and a small bag of golf clubs in the back.

    Still ... what a driver! Loved that mid-mounted engine.


  12. Please don't get into one of those death traps. I believe it even beat out the venerable 'vette as the car you're most likely to die in if you are in a accident.


  13. MR2s are fun. They're a little impractical, but I love my MkII. Long road trips are a little awkward though. I drove down from Portland to LA and back a couple years ago and down to SF and back earlier this year.

  14. "That being said, I cry because I'm WAY over 6ft, and not only have I yet to come across a sports car that I fit into..."

    That is why -- for a brief, golden moment -- God made muscle cars.

    {solemn nod}


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