Monday, August 06, 2007

Boomsticks: New AR mag idea.

It's gizmolicious!


  1. Quite cool! but I think a LULA is cheaper and works with stuff I already have.


  2. It's a neat gizmo but I would never own one. Loading an AR mag is a lot easier than pistol mags (which I own a HKS speedloader for). Why would I buy more expensive and probably more sensitive AR mags for functionality I don't really need?

  3. Looks breakable.

    I pay a premium for quality AR magazines, just to avoid problems.
    This thing would have to be a in hard service a lot of years before I would vote with my $.

    Just my two cents.

  4. Hmm. Neat idea for Range Toy mags. I don't think I'd trust them for anything beyond that.

    Now I have to find out where I can buy one.

  5. Gizmolicious. You definitely earn a couple more points for fun word usage there, Tam.

    Looks neat and handy, but since most of the few malfunctions in personal weapons I've experienced have come directly from mag issues, I think the jury is still out on this one until someone I know has logged some hours with one.

  6. It will never replace one's soldier servant.

  7. I thought it would make mag loading easier for those times when my faithful batman is on sick call.

  8. Looks real slick, 'cept I'd have to buy an AR-platform rifle first.

    And even then, I'd have to find one with a capacity of 10 rounds or less, which kinda defeats the whole purpose.

    Or, I could have stayed in NH permanently...

  9. Violates the KISS principle by adding at least a failure point or three.

    May be a fun range toy, though.

  10. Did you poke around the Cammenga site?
    They also offer an 'Easyloader':
    I could see buying one of those for use w/ GI magazines.

    Other versions available for 5.45x39 AK, 7.62x39 AK/SKS, 7.62x51 M1A/FAL/HK, 9x19 Uzi/MP5, and M1 Carbine.

    Tam, thx for the blog.
    Erik in Colo.

  11. I want to see a test where they drop it 10 feet onto concrete first.


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