Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Go Team Me!

Today is the second Blogiversary of View From The Porch.

If you like it, it was all me.

If you don't, I was just trying to be cool like Les, Unc, and Countertop. ;)


  1. Congratulations!

    I'm so glad you're here.

  2. Congratulations, Tam!

    And yeah, I've liked all of it.

    Hell, I wanna be you when I grow up. ;)

  3. Tam,

    On behalf of your vast legion of non-blogging readers, congratulations on two years of eminently enjoyable observations that now reside in the collective conciousness of the "intarweb". You make it a better place!

  4. Tam,
    Keep it going, VFTP is one of the sane places I can visit when at
    work, enlighting & enjoyable

  5. One of three must reads for me during the day.

    Doncha be goin' nowhere. Gots to get my daily snark fix.

  6. Two years already!? How time flies. Reading your blog every morning has become ritual for me and usually becomes fodder for some sparkling conversations with my lesser enlightened work mates. Your educating all of us! Thanks and I raise my coffee mug to you for many more years to come. Thank you.

  7. Congratulations and thank you for the fine read.

  8. Tam,

    I read your blog the first thing every morning. It helps put a smile on my face! A lady who loves guns, history, and good food what a combo.

    Dr. Joe

  9. The first half-dozen links in my daily rounds are: Martin McPhillips ("New Paltz Journal"), Reynolds, QandO, Matt Welch, VFTP, and Kim du Toit. In that order for at least six months, now.

    I like the place. It's tart and not dry, never pretensive or grasping, steely-eyed with the perfect hint of a sideways grin.

    Good job.

    Onward, through The Endarkenment.

  10. Congrats Tam!!

    My wife and I drove thru Knoxville last week, returning to Arkansas from Virginia. I thought about stopping and swinging our little black & tan weenie dog around to see if I could hit a blogger. Then I thought better of it.

    I'll crack open a brew tonight and send a toast your way!


    P.S. Go Braves!!

  11. You're on my "daily reads" list for a reason. Congratulations on your "terrible twos." Here's to many more.

  12. Congrats.

    I thought you had been at this longer than that . . . . of course, I was just trying to be as cool as a High Road Mod all along.

  13. How did you manage to get to be so good at the wordsmithery found here in only two years??


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