Tuesday, August 28, 2007

If I can just scrounge up another 504 hits...

...VFTP will finish its second year with a nice, round 550k.

You should email your grandma. Tell her to poke around a bit. She'd love the place. :)


  1. Happy Two to you. You've done well.
    Carry on.

  2. Oh geez..... stop it already.
    I just cracked a TOTAL of 2k on Carteach0, and you are crowing about 550,000...

    Oh course, I probably visit your blog more than my own.....


  3. Current estimates are that my blog will have less than half that after being online for four years. Your snarky View From The Porch trumps my guns and explosives View From North Central Idaho big time. Heavy sigh It just isn't fair. There should be a law or maybe a bloggers union or something that could implement a seniority system. ;)

    My grandmothers have both been dead for over 20 years now so an email to them is a little tough otherwise I would. Here's hoping that my little visit helps enough to get you over the top.


  4. Patience. You'll get there in no time.


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