Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No wonder I'm always tired...

According to that report from the pinkos in Geneva, I'm carrying the load for 118 people.

Between me and a half dozen friends, we're probably picking up the slack for a whole Manhattan high-rise.


  1. I'm covering for 37 defenseless people...

  2. Zeros cancel...carry the one...move decimal...divide by nine, minus one(that'd be me)...

    I'm carrying the load for almost 27 others. A slacker by comparison, it seems.

  3. I feel like such a slacker. I'm only carrying 15 or so other people. And that's only if you count an Enfield No4Mk2 that's not safe to fire. (You *can* fire it, but I don't.)

  4. I'm only covering for a couple dozen; I feel like I've let everyone down...

  5. "Pikers."

    If we don't count Mosins, I'm still picking up the load for 111 people. ;)

  6. They said that like it's a bad thing.

  7. That's why I liked Les Jones' post: "USA! USA!"


  8. If we don't count Mosins, I'm still picking up the load for 114 people. ;)

  9. Okay, color me officially impressed.

    You are a gun nut.

    (Which makes it easier for me to rationalize future purchases: "Hey, at least I'm not completely out of control like that 7.62 guy..." :))

  10. I guess I'm only carrying for about 60, it's been a while since I counted them.
    Been kinda of focused on ammo
    With what I got yesterday I should be right around 75K

  11. Well, somebody has to make up for the law-abiding citizens of Chicago and DC--so long as they don't come looking for their "share"...

  12. I left it that I'm covering for my entire neighborhood.

    If not my town...

  13. Not only could I outfit a number of neighbors with long and side arms, I could outfit them with knives and swords as well as hatchets and axes if need be! Being on the New Madrid you have to be ready for just about anything.

  14. You should bill them.

    Helplessness should be expensive.

    ( do I get extra credit for the Lahti, or does that count as one "firearm"? )

  15. As a gun noob, I'm only carrying 1.2 additional people.

    I have plans to double or triple that next year. I don't own any long gun! (Yet.)

  16. I calculated the correlation between the number of guns per 100 persons and the number of homicides per 100 000 persons, using the data from the survey. Assuming an exponential correlation, we'd get to zero homicides at just over 11 000 guns per 100 persons.
    You can see the graphs at our blog . Sorry, it's in Finnish but you can look at the pretty pictures.

  17. I don't even want to know how many gunless folks I'm carrying the load for. :-)

  18. All I can say is that none of you can use covering my household as justification for adding to your own inventory.

  19. I could arm a small squad or a large fireteam with shoulder weapons and sidearms for each, though there'd be ammo compatibility issues.


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