Monday, August 13, 2007

On her blog, Robyn Ringler asked...

...not too long ago, "When are we going to do something about men shooting women?"

After the events of this weekend, a more contemporary question would be "What are we going to do about men savagely beating women with hammers?"

I have a suggestion regarding the latter question, but Robyn probably wouldn't like it. See if you can guess what it is.

(HINT: "You shouldn't bring a hammer to a ___ fight." Ready? Go.)


  1. Oooh, ooooh, mememememeeeee!!!

    I know!!!!



  2. And nail guns:


  3. Not to mention that a woman being shot by a man is infinitely worse than being shot by, you know, a woman.

  4. Another reasoned discourse type, who deletes non-bubba posts with statistical evidence against PSH.

  5. Attacking retirement age women getting their hair done with a hammer ?!??!!

    That is one cowardly son of a bitch. Would it be considered justice to let each of the ladies' strongest family member beat that asshole with hammers in lieu of going to trial?

  6. Most men who kill women use muscle-powered tools.

    Most women who kill men use firearms.


  7. After Laszlo Toth, my poor father set out in the cause of sane hammer-control laws, and he devoted... well -- several Saturday afternoons to it.

    To Dear Ol' Dad: the fight goes on.

  8. pppptthh! tweaker your soooo wrong!

    "Dont bring a hammer to a pillow fight"

  9. What struck me about the report on the man with the hammer is that he attacked them "even tho they cooperated".

    Well, duh...

  10. bobg-

    I liked the part where it was said "he was trying to leave, but they kept dragging him back and beating him."

    Yeah, the cop was having trouble keeping a straight face throughout the interview.

    Sometimes, there's just no substitute for that ol' Instant Karma.

    And ben had a Capital Idea!


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