Saturday, August 25, 2007

Quote of the Day:

"Showing up at school already able to read is like showing up at the undertaker's already embalmed: people start worrying about being put out of their jobs." -Florence King


  1. It would be great to be putting teachers out of work because kids were learning too much at home.
    Not likely in my lifetime....

  2. Presumably, this explains why Bell-What College keeps bragging about how much their freshmen don't know. Makes me wonder about their admissions policies (or denials policies, as applicable).

  3. As for my family, we're putting teachers out of work one student at a time. If a kid knows how to read before they get to school, why bother to send them? Just keep teaching them at home.

  4. absolufrigginlutely.

    I love getting a home schooled student in class. I can actually spend time with them... teaching what I like teaching!

  5. Y'know, I've already done one of those, and seem well on my way to doing the other.

  6. I was guilty of this nearly 50 years ago. They hated it even then. Back then they also hated anyone knowing manuscript while they were still into printing. I know several people who to this day have poor handwriting because they were once punished for having good handwriting.

  7. This would explain why my teachers were so ticked when I would finish the class readers in the first week of the semester.

  8. My son got in the "bad habit" of reading when his third grade class was constantly thrown into upheaval by another student with a "learning disability" that caused him to throw chairs. My son would crawl to a safe place, pull out a book and create his own order. His teacher had a mental breakdown at the end of the school year.


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