Saturday, August 25, 2007

These are the jokes, folks.

"There are circumstances beyond our control, and I think I am better able to handle things I have no control over," -Hillary Clinton
Well, she did get a lot of practice with her husband.


  1. Well, that's wonderful. Not only is she great at not dealing with things "she can't control", but she also managed to say that she'll be terrible at the day to day running of the country. Not exactly a news flash, mind you.

    Perhaps the first time she's been truthful in a few decades.

  2. "Just fix it, Vince!"

    (Hillary, during the Health-Care Working Groups perjured affidavit disaster in that fateful summer of '93.)

  3. Does this mean she's not great at dealing with things she controls? Maybe that explains why she didn't connect with Bill's head during those glass ashtray throwing moments back in the Little Rock days.

  4. Ah, well. She ends a sentence with a preposition; he with a proposition...


  5. HAH! She's a pip, isn't she?

  6. From the first comment:
    Give me a break. Anyone with a lick of sense knows that Republicans use fear of terror as a political weapon.

    Am I the only one who read that as "Republicans use fear of terror as a political strapon?"


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